Monday 29 March 2010

YG8: World Economics

Alex Tabarrok
"One idea, one world, one market.
Larger markets save lives.
How else can we create new ideas? That's one reason. Globalize, trade. Well, more idea creators.
Globalization is increasing the demand for ideas, the incentive to create new ideas. Investments in education are increasing the supply of new ideas.
So growth can wash away even what appears to be a great depression.
So my view is be optimistic. Spread ideas. Spread the light."

Geoff Mulgan

"I've always wondered why it is that capitalism is so amazingly efficient at some things, but so inefficient at others, why it's so innovative in some ways and so uninnovative in others.

Now, since that time, we've actually been through an extraordinary boom, the longest boom ever in the history of this country. Unprecedented wealth and prosperity, but that growth hasn't always delivered what we needed. H.L. Mencken once said that, "to every complex problem, there is a simple solution and it's wrong." But I'm not saying growth is wrong, but it's very striking throughout the years of growth, many things didn't get better.

Surely, just as we invest in in R and D, two, three, four percent, of our GDP, of our economy, what if we put, let's say, one percent of public spending into social innovation, into elder care, no kinds of education, new ways of helping the disabled?

Why boost our consumption, rather than change what we consume?"

Invest in the future. Experiment with society.

KI's, experienced in design practice, Paul McKone: Style to Substance
Innovation: What we had worked, but there was a better way
Novelty: New, improved and more shiny than ever before

Design: Function: evolution, innovation, problem solving
Style: Form: trend, fashion, appearance

8 Es of Fixing things: Enjoyable, Empowering, Equitable, Environmental/Ecological, Economical, Engineering, Educational, Engaging

You can't value what you don't understand.

12 people participated
5 came because they saw the poster!
No post-discussion

Special, special thanks to Paul McKone and Raj of WPIRG

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