Tuesday, 7 September 2010


This is what it feels like to be twenty.
I’m happy with who I am and where I am.

Greatest accomplishments:
Getting into university
Winning NEOSEF and ISEF and going to the Nobel Prize ceremonies
Witnessing a unique fish behaviour
Running in a half-marathon
Kayaking 100 miles down the coast of Lake Superior – Pukaskwa 2009
Working at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History - 2009 - Mudpuppies
Seeing wild beluga whales
Seeing a wild polar bear
Seeing a wild black bear
Seeing wild moose
Seeing a Massasauga rattler
Seeing a wild arctic fox
Seeing wild hawks and eagles

Next ten years?
Have a picture featured in National Geographic
Publish a scientific paper
Fall under a spell
Learn German
Learn a dying language
Be fluent in Spanish
Run a marathon
Graduate with a Masters
Graduate with a PhD
Add to scientific thought
Kayak trip in the ocean
Camp in the winter
Ski a mountain out West
Write a book
Publish a poem
Sell a painting
Write until every page of a notebook is filled
Buy a new pen and write until it is empty
Line a room with books

Study in the Antarctic
Study in the arctic
Study in a tropical rainforest
Study in a desert
Study in a tundra
Study in a boreal forest
Study on an isolated island in the ocean (Ascension Island?)
Study in Africa
Study at high elevation
Stand on a volcano
Visit each ecozone – Palearctic, Nearctic, Afrotropic, Neotropic, Australasia, Indo-Malaya, Oceania, Antarctic
Watch the sun rise for 24 hours continuously
Watch the sun rise on each continent


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