Monday, 13 September 2010

Stop learning and the world will pass you by.

pg 6 of A 21st Century Ethical Toolbox by Anthony Weston

I have been a great-granddaughter and I hope to be a great-grandmother. That puts me in the centre of seven full generations of ideas and practices, of the changing of the world. "Remember who you are!" as the Native decree announces and you will be aware and engaged with your world, from the clothes you wear, the soil that grew your food, the people you bump into. Seven generations. Think.

Ethics is the awakening to the complexity of the world and all its issues and the internalization of how to fit into that world. Ethics is also "a concern with the basic needs and legitimate expectations of others as well as our own." (pg 5)

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


This is what it feels like to be twenty.
I’m happy with who I am and where I am.

Greatest accomplishments:
Getting into university
Winning NEOSEF and ISEF and going to the Nobel Prize ceremonies
Witnessing a unique fish behaviour
Running in a half-marathon
Kayaking 100 miles down the coast of Lake Superior – Pukaskwa 2009
Working at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History - 2009 - Mudpuppies
Seeing wild beluga whales
Seeing a wild polar bear
Seeing a wild black bear
Seeing wild moose
Seeing a Massasauga rattler
Seeing a wild arctic fox
Seeing wild hawks and eagles

Next ten years?
Have a picture featured in National Geographic
Publish a scientific paper
Fall under a spell
Learn German
Learn a dying language
Be fluent in Spanish
Run a marathon
Graduate with a Masters
Graduate with a PhD
Add to scientific thought
Kayak trip in the ocean
Camp in the winter
Ski a mountain out West
Write a book
Publish a poem
Sell a painting
Write until every page of a notebook is filled
Buy a new pen and write until it is empty
Line a room with books

Study in the Antarctic
Study in the arctic
Study in a tropical rainforest
Study in a desert
Study in a tundra
Study in a boreal forest
Study on an isolated island in the ocean (Ascension Island?)
Study in Africa
Study at high elevation
Stand on a volcano
Visit each ecozone – Palearctic, Nearctic, Afrotropic, Neotropic, Australasia, Indo-Malaya, Oceania, Antarctic
Watch the sun rise for 24 hours continuously
Watch the sun rise on each continent
