Wednesday 15 October 2008

McCain in Strongsville

On October 8th, McCain and Palin spoke in Strongsville, Ohio. 10,000 tickets were sold to attend the rally. The following are two accounts.

90.3 WCPN ideastream®:
McCain Campaign Stops in Strongsville

Posted Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Topics: Politics, Other

Republican Presidential nominee John McCain and running mate Sarah Palin spoke to an enthusiastic crowd Wednesday in Strongsville. It was their first Northeast Ohio visit together, and ideastream®'s Kymberli Hagelberg was there.

Nothing could quell the good humor of the hundreds of people who packed into the gym of the Strongsville senior center to see John McCaiin and Sarah Palin. Most ignored the close confines and heat of the crowded room. They chanted, stomped their feet to the Stongsville High School marching band and waved signs that read “Country First.”
When vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin spoke, the crowd yelled her name and chanted drill baby drill. She set a much less incendiary tone toward Barack Obama than just two days ago. Gone was the previous allegation that Obama pals around with a domestic terrorist, but she did question his truthfulness in Tuesday’s debate. .
PALIN:"Barack Obama has opposed offshore drilling. Of, course last night though he changed his position on that again. I guess he’s not willing to drill for energy but he’s willing to drill for votes.”
Palin introduced 2 surprise guests Browns quarterback Brady Quinn and lineman Joe Thomas. Qunn introduced John McCain, calling him - quote - “a real hero.”
QUINN: “We need heroes like this to inspire us.”
John McCain stood on stage as Palin and Quinn spoke. After thanking Quinn’s father for his service in Vietnam he got right to the point.
MCCAIN: “My friends I don’t want to bore you with political history, but it’s been a long time since someone has been elected president without carrying the state of Ohio. I need you to help me carry the state of Ohio and carry the state of Ohio and take the presidency of the United States.”
McCain repeated his promise, first mentioned in the debate, that he would order the government to buy up bad mortages so Americans can stay in their homes. but gave no further details on the plan.
The latest polls show McCain slightly behind Obama, who will make stops in Sourthwest Ohio today.
Kymberli Hagelberg, 90.3

Bigots at McCain rally embarrassed Strongsville - letters to the editor

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Those living in Strongsville have celebrities in their midst, but I wouldn't be proud. Strongsville residents have been seen on YouTube from each local John McCain rally (Middleburg Heights and Strongsville). The basis: The attendees of the McCain rallies are "interviewed" with questions, such as, "long have you known the name Sarah Palin? Barack Obama?"
Based on the bile that came from their mouths, I say the world has seen these people for what they really are - ignorant, unintelligent, uneducated bigots who obviously don't hold "country first."
How could any of the respondents be concerned for our country, its security, the failing economy, health care, jobs, civil rights (and the list goes on) if they are so narrow-minded as to choose, or not choose, a president based on his name?
You all know who you are. Anyone with morals or a conscience would be ashamed.
It is every American's privilege to vote. Never would I tell someone whom to vote for. But I beg all voters to empower and educate themselves. Research the candidates' policies via their Web pages. Please make your choice on the issues that affect you, your family and your future. Don't hand over your vote to the crunch-time scare tactics.
Melissa Cumberland, North Ridgeville
Sadly, this week my 7-year-old came running into the house yelling, "Mom, who are you voting for?" "Sen. Obama," I replied. "Oh, no!" he said, "You can't have an evil president."
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. His young friend down the street had been to the Strongsville rally and told him all about it.
Silence in the face of hatred is not fit to lead!
Strongsville High School is home to a few rampant KKK-loving students; another reported last year on "Why we should kill gays" - complete with photos from the Internet. My 16-year-old was made to endure this hate-filled presentation during English class.
Silence in the face of hatred is unfit to lead!
I campaigned in my neighborhood the other day with a woman who is now a U.S. citizen, but who is originally from a Middle Eastern country. She worried about knocking on neighbors' doors because others like her have been cursed and called terrorists. I apologized for my fellow white middle-class neighbors.
Silence in the face of hatred is not fit to lead!
John McCain and Sarah Palin have ignored shouts of "kill him" and "terrorist" at recent campaign rallies.
Silence in the face of hatred is not fit to lead!
Michelle Mahon, Strongsville

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